User Options

Users can navigate to the drop-down list under their username for user-specific options.

Refer to the following table for more information on the user options:

User Option


Change Property

In the case of multiple properties, users can change the property using the drop-down list in the Property Select pop-up screen.
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Change Password

The password can be changed in the Change Password pop-up screen.
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Start Shift

Enter the shift opening balance in the Start Shift pop-up screen.
Graphical user interface

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End Shift

End the shift by generating the Shift Report.

Edit Profile

View the profile information, change the password, and generate a new authenticator code in the User Profile pop-up screen.
Graphical user interface, text, application

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User Preferences

Set the home page, color theme, and preferred language in the Set User Preferences pop-up screen.
A feature setting named Color Theme must be enabled to set the preferred color theme.
Graphical user interface, text, application

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